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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Sights and Sounds of Baseball

It's pulling into that dusty road and seeing the rays of light, shining from the evening fields, dancing through the dust that's hanging in the air. The crack of the bat hitting the ball followed by shrills of excitement echoing from the stands and fold out chairs surrounding the teams...those boys for whom everything is centered for that precious few months of ball season. It's all the other children...those who aren't on the field...running around playing regular games that feel not so regular because everything is different when it is played at the ballpark. The smell of burgers cooking on the open grill beside the little wooden concession stand full of candy that always taste better in the summertime...the cokes never as cold. These are the sights and sounds of summer. Even when we aren't at the park, I will sit outside on my deck in the evenings and hear these sounds as if they are happening in my front yard. I will be able to close my eyes and put myself in the seat of every parent that I hear scream out for their did your best!! It is as if, for those few months of the year, our world revolves around the ball park....that park that sits quietly for most of the year comes to life with the first swing of a bat. As we drove onto that dusty road tonight, and I watched Carter run to the dugout with his bag, it was as if last summer had never ended. The months of driving past and seeing the empty park were but a blink of an eye...a short break before the next game. Summer is back and ball season is screaming it out so that everyone can hear! This is where it all begins!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My five year old has his first game on April 7. I can't wait! I was constantly around a ball field as a child. Enjoy your season!

1:13 PM  
Blogger momof3feistykids said...

Lovely post! It reminds me of when I was a kid and my brother and dad played. None of my kids have played baseball yet.

3:39 PM  
Blogger JakesMom said...

Sherri - you have such a wonderful way with words! Lovely! And an especially lovely picture you paint for those of us who still have snow! :)

6:37 PM  
Blogger Karate Mom said...

What a beautiful post - I almost feel like I'm there with you!

4:13 PM  
Blogger Sherri said...

Thanks everyone for your kind comments...I appreciate it!!!
The weather is still so beautiful here. I think it might have hit the 90's today, or close to it. I just came in from lying in the hammock reading myself nearly to sleep. "sigh" If only it could stay exactly like this all year!!!
Thanks again for your kind words!

6:58 PM  

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