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Wednesday, October 03, 2007

I Am Humbled

This is our third year of homeschooling and, while we have always incorporated the Bible into our schooling in one way or another, this year it is as if everything we are doing centers around it. Last year, we studied U.S. history. This year, we are focusing on Old World History. I wanted a more Biblical approach, so I ordered the Abeka Old World History book. I knew that I would like Abeka because we started using it for Language last year. It is very thorough and brings the Bible into the lessons in every way possible. When our History book came in, I skimmed through it. I loved a lot about it, but at the same time, felt that the kids would probably get bored with it. I also bought a Social Studies book that focuses on Old World History to reinforce what we are learning. I say "we" because I am learning so much with them through this Abeka book.We are 5 weeks into our study and so far it has been AMAZING. Shortly after we began with the book, Patrick stopped me to ask, "If we were still in the public school, we wouldn't be learning History from this book and from this perspective, would we?" I told him that, while many of the teachers would pull the Bible in some, that the total focus would not be on the Bible as it is with our book. Each day one of the kids will mention how much they love seeing the Bible brought into the study of our history like this. As we are studying one area of geography or a new empire, suddenly they will recognize a name or place from the Bible and get so excited. They have grown up in church and believe the Bible, but to see it fit into the whole picture like this brings it to life even more. Then, to have it reinforced again in Social Studies is just amazing.

The reason that I feel humbled is because I just feel so unworthy to be given the opportunity and responsibility to teach my children in such depth. There are times when I feel so inadequate, yet somehow the answers to their questions pour out of me, even though there are some things that I only seem to be just learning myself. The only explanation is that God slips in and speaks through me. I say things and don't even know where they came from, yet it all makes sense to me and to the kids. It reminds me of times when I have asked for chances to witness to certain people only to find myself doing it and knowing that God is "doing all of the talking". I learned not to worry about what I would say...that God only needs a willing vessel.
This gives schooling at home a whole new meaning and dimension. It is giving everything that we are learning purpose.
Another Christian based company that we ordered from this year was BJU Press. I ordered all of our Reading books from them. Many of the stories from these books are based on passages from the Bible. All of them have a Biblical/Moral lesson to learn. We read anywhere from 3 to 5 stories a week from these books, and every one is like another Bible lesson. The kids don't think of them as lessons, though, but fun stories that teach good things.

I was amazed tonight when I sat down to read one of Madison's stories with them. In History today we read about the Israelites escape from Egypt, their wandering in the wilderness, and their entry into the promise land. Our reading tonight was a fictional story about a little girl, Rachael, who lived during those years of wandering in the wilderness. It was based on the events in Numbers 21:4-9, where God provided the bronze serpent. Because we have been talking about the Israelites during this time, the kids really related to Rachael's story. Afterwards, Carter asked me to read the passage from the Bible that the story was based on. It turned into full Bible study time led by their interest. We started the day out and ended the day studying the same thing, and I didn't even plan it that way. I can see God's hand in it all so clearly, and I am amazed and excited.
Our new books are like jewels to me. I feel like God has provided them for me at just the right time...His time. I pray that I can do them justice....that I will allow God to teach through me. We all have so much to learn from them....we've learned so much already!


Blogger Karate Mom said...

That is so awesome!
We're using "History for Little Pilgrims" this year and it's Biblically based. We've had some neat conversations as well, although on a "younger" level. I love it that we're learning history from that perspective!

8:43 AM  

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