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Friday, November 18, 2005

Happy Birthday Patrick

Our precious middle child turned 8 yesterday! I can't believe that Patrick has made it to 8.
I remember the day that I turned 8 years old. We were visiting my grandparents in another state. I can remember sitting by the door waiting for my grandfather to get home from work. He was a farmer, so it was very late by the time he made it home. My twin sister and I insisted on waiting until he got there to have our little party with the family. I can still recall a card that we got that read, "Gee, it's your birthday. Isn't that great. Yesterday you were seven, and today you're eight."
Patrick had a good day. Madison, Patrick, Carter and I went to the mall to eat. We did a little shopping for fun things and then went home to wait for Jeff. When he got home, Patrick opened gifts, and then we had his favorite meal and birthday cake. That night, we played BINGO with some little prizes I bought. Afterwards, the kids slept on the floor and watched a movie. Patrick told me that he had a really good day. That makes me happy!


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